Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

Bayang Computer's

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What is a Computer Network

Network is a computer system that consists of computers and devices connected to the other network with one another, work together to achieve a goal. Network device is very important for the relationship or of the communication between computers.

Move information from computer to computer using a network other than through human intermediaries. So that makes the exchange of information will become easier and faster.

Most of the basic network has two computers that communicate with each other with the cable medium or other medium. When your computer is connected to another computer, you can move information quickly and efficiently.

In the book "Networking Complete" that described a set of computers and other equipment are connected together is called the network, while the concept of computers that are connected and share resources (resources) is called networking.

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the purpose and benefits of building a computer network

In building the computer network would have the purpose and benefits are very helpful for us, namely:

* Sharing resources

We can share resources in the sense that there can be used together, such as programs, equipment, or other peripherals can be used so that each person have a computer on the network without having to be affected by location.

* Media communication

Can enable communication between users of a network, both for the teleconference, instant messaging, chat, send electronic mail (e-mail) and send other important information.

* Integration of data

May prevent dependence on the central computer, each of the data should not be done on one computer only but can be distributed to other places or in other words it can be done by computers that have in the network.

* Data security

Computer network system can provide protection of data through the user's access rights and passwords, and other protection techniques.

To access the information that exists on the network, such as web browsing. Almost everyone who reads this paper may have to use a web browser (like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape and others). The web browser enables us to see the information in a web server in a place in the Internet.
Development and maintenance become easier and save costs.
For example at a company can save the equipment must be used.

Application-based network

Network used to provide network services for network users. Applications are available on the network that is generally the file service, print service, web service, e-mail, file transfer service.
File Service

Computer where the file is saved the file server. Another computer (the access) is called a client, and that can be done is to read and write on the files are, without the need to create a local copy of files on the disk drive client. This service is usually transparent to the end user.
Print Service

Dikoneksikan a printer to a computer called a print server. Client computers can send files to a print server, then print the file to the printer. Servers are usually transparent to the end user.
Web Service

Server stores various information, including text, graphics, animation, images, video, and audio. End user using a web browser to request information from the server. Server restore information that is displayed by a web browser.

End users create e-mail program to use e-mail client and send e-mail to a specific person. E-mail server to process e-mail.
File Transfer Service

Files are also stored on the server. This allows a server computer (client) is to copy the files from the server to their local disk drive and replace the contents of the file on the file server with files on the local client disk drive.
Classification of computer network based on area

Computer network can be classified based on the size of the area the network is LAN, MAN, WAN.
LAN (Local Area Networking)

Local Area Network is a network property in a private location, usually on one floor in a building, campus, or all the computers in a company. Large coverage area network LAN for several kilometers.
MAN (Metropolitan Area Networking)

Metropolitan Area Network is basically a bigger version of LAN and generally use the same technology. And scope may be a group of branch office that is located adjacent.
WAN (Wide Area Networking)

Wide Area Network to reach a large geographic area, usually a country or continent.
Computer network based on the function

Based on its function then there are two types of computer networks, namely:

* Client-server

That is where the computer network within the network there is a computer dedicated as a special server. The server has the responsibility to provide service to the services provided to other computers.

Public services that are provided by a server usually provides services such as file service, print service, web service, e-mail, file transfer service. Where will the computer (client) can access the services provided by the server.
* Peer-to-peer

Is a computer network where each computer can be a server and also a client at the same time. For example in a file share between computers in the Windows Network Neighborhood Network have 5 computers (we named A, B, C, D and E) which gives access to the file too. At a time to access a file share called data_nilai.xls of B and also gives access to the file soal_uas.doc C. When accessing a file from B then A and functions as a client when a file to give access to the C function as a server. Both functions are performed simultaneously by the network like this is called peer to peer.


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